Dynamat Vol. II

There have been a number of times over the course of the Mustang’s restoration where I’ve whined about the difficulty in constructing a compelling narrative for a blog post based on what I accomplished the previous week.

This is another one of those times.

To avoid death-by-boredom for my readers, I’ll summarize my tasks this week with the following brief bulleted list:

  • Measure Dynamat/Tape
  • Cut
  • Apply
  • Repeat (over and over and over and over again)

When the process finally ended, I am delighted to declare the application of the Dynamat completed:

finished with dynamat

Initially, I was thinking my next step would be carpet. However, upon further consideration, the carpet really requires the seats to be installed in order to lock it into place. With the seats installed, it would be more difficult to get into the back seat area to adjust the rear quarter windows so I’ve decided to do that first.

As usual, there’s a prerequisite step that has to be done before I can adjust the windows. The roof weatherstripping needs to be in place for proper alignment. I don’t know how much time I’ll have this weekend, but whenever I do get down to the shop, that task is next on the list.


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