The Belts Are Back In Town…

Waaaay back in late February, I sent a box of crusty old moldy seat belts to Texas to get them restored:

seat belts boxed and ready to go

They, uh… weren’t in the prettiest of shape:ugly looking seat belt

They were also kinda blah looking with the all-black standard interior package on the buckles:

standard belt buckle look and feel

And lastly, the set of belts was missing one of the shoulder harnesses for some reason.

Late this week, a long-awaited package arrived via FedEx:

box of restored seat belts

The box contained a full set of pretty pretty re-webbed seat belts with all of the metal polished:

pretty pretty rewebbed seat belt

The belt buckles were also upgraded to the deluxe version with the shiny chrome accents:

new seat belt buckle with chrome accent

And lastly, the box came back with a complete set – I’m no longer missing my passenger side shoulder harness.

I used a company called Python Restorations to do the restoration. I learned of Python via West Coast Classic Cougar’s All About Seat Belts video:


All in all, I’m happy with the results of the restoration. My only complaint is that it’s sometimes hard to get in touch with the folks at Python and it took quite a bit longer than they originally stated it would.

Not much else happened Mustang-wise this week. I took a week’s vacation and spent it “restoring” my front lawn to a more presentable state. Thankfully, that project is all but done and I should be back to working on the car in the next couple of days.

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