And Life Hasn’t Been The Same Since…

One year ago today, we welcomed a new member into our family:

Mustang Day 1

At the time, the Mustang was intended to simply provide a forty-something year old man the opportunity to recreate part of his youth:

Original MustangOriginal Mustang Restored

The car though, had other plans. In the year since:

It’s humbled me, and helped me realize my limitations.

It’s brought me closer to my Brother-in-Law and shown me how awesome of a person he is.

It caused my wife and I to re-evaluate our living situation and make the decision to move into a new house.

It’s brought joy:


And sadness:


And taught me to never give up in the pursuit of a goal:


Today, the Mustang is drivable and mechanically sound. It’s fitting that on the one year anniversary of its homecoming we’re beginning a brand-new chapter in its restoration. Over the next few months I’ll be working through the electrical system and making sure it’s fully functional.

Since coming home one year ago today, the Mustang has had more of an impact in my life than I would have ever thought possible. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next year brings.

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