Power Steering Prettyification…

I learned last week that when you purchase a “new” power steering pump, you get exactly that – a power steering pump. And nothing else. No brackets, bolts or pulleys come in the box.

So today I worked on taking the old pulley off the old pump and cleaning it up for proper re-installation in the Mustang.

I started with this:

old pulley on pumpIn researching how to get the pulley off, I learned that most pulleys on cars are not actually bolted on. They’re simply held on by compression forces. That means to get the pulley off, you have to pull it off with a special tool.

Thankfully NAPA had one of those special tools for sale when I picked up the pump last week.

Here’s a quick video of how the tool works:

I didn’t quite have the fancy air impact driver, but my setup worked similarly. I hooked up the tool to the pulley:

pulley removal tool hooked upAnd started wrenching on the bolt:

wrenching on the pulley removal toolThe lack of a fancy impact driver meant I had to whack the end of the socket with a hammer to break the pulley free. Once it was free though, it came right off:

pulley off the pumpConsidering new pulleys cost almost twice what I paid for the pump, I decided I had some cleaning to do:

dirty pulleyA little wire brush work and most of the gunk was off:

pulley minus gunkI then made a little jig so I could hang the pulley and the power steering dipstick and prime them for painting:

pulley and dipstick being primeredI put a couple of light coats of primer on tonight. Tomorrow I’ll sand both and apply the first coat of paint. Time permitting, I’ll also make another jig and start the priming/painting process for the bracket as well.

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