So, Uh, Where Are You Going To Park It…

Currently, my life has devolved to this:

boxes everywhere

One might be forgiven for asking why a picture of a handful of boxes would be relevant on a site dedicated to telling the story of the restoration of a 46 year old car. The two topics would at first seem totally unrelated. What would boxes have to do with engines, brakes and going to the parts store? And where’s the brake pun in the title of the post anyway?

Alas, the chaos that my life has devolved into is directly attributable to the Mustang.

For the last eight years, my family of six has lived in a tiny house with a single car “garage”. The garage was so small that when I parked my mini-van (known as “the whale”) there was maybe a foot of clearance to spare on each end.

Back in January, my wife and I had a light-hearted disagreement over where the Mustang was going to be parked when I was finished with it. I argued that it should receive garage rights since it was old, special and will someday have an expensive paint job.

My wife on the other hand played the logic card – claiming that since she drives to work in the morning, her car should be garaged to avoid frost in the winter. She also pointed out that her car is new, special and also has an expensive paint job.

After it was determined that I had lost the argument, she followed with the question that eventually led to the boxes above:

So, where are you going to park it?

My tiny old house with its tiny little garage provided no answers. So, we decided to look for answers elsewhere and soon settled on a house that makes both of us happy:

  • My family gets the space it needs to spread out
  • My wife gets my office out of her bedroom
  • And I get this…

future site of mustang garageThat level bit of asphalt will soon be home to a metal garage like this one:

sample garage

Howeverbefore all that can happen I need to finish moving. And unpacking. And selling the old house.

The Mustang seems to have a sick sense of humor as it continues to add mercilessly to my TODO list.

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