Let’s Cool Things Down A Little, Shall We…

If your engine didn’t melt into a molten puddle of iron on your way to work this morning, you might want to write a nice thank you note to your car’s radiator. Radiators provide the primary mechanism for the heat built up in your engine’s block to be dissipated in a safe and non-engine-block-melting manner:

On February 10th. I brought the Mustang’s radiator home so I could take it to the shop to get serviced. As expected, the insides were all gummed up and clogged after 46 years of service.

This meant that the radiator needed to be taken apart..

…and cleaned – a process called “rodding”.

The radiator came back from the shop today, all nicely painted and cleaned out:

Radiator Back From Shop

One more major piece of the put-the-engine-back-in-the-Mustang process taken care of!

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